Spanish Spinach Croquettes #snacks #vegetarian

Spanish Spinach Croquettes #snacks #vegetarian

The contrast between Spanish croquettes and different assortments of croquette is that the filling is produced using a thick béchamel sauce to which you can include whatever enhancing you need. So as to make a smooth and rich béchamel, you have to blend, mix, mix!

The filling then should be chilled for a few hours or medium-term with the goal for it to solidify to a consistency that you can deal with and fold into a croqueta shape. Shaping the croquettes one by one and digging them in breadcrumbs before browning is the last tedious advance yet an incredible one to select your children for!

You can don't hesitate to adjust this formula to your preferences. In the event that you need a creamier, yet harder to work filling, include more milk. On the off chance that you don't care for spinach, attempt sautéed mushrooms or finely hacked vegetables.

Also try our recipe Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms

Spanish Spinach Croquettes #snacks #vegetarian

These Spanish spinach croquettes are a typical tapa in bars all around Spain. They’re simple to make, packed with flavour and make a great vegan party finger food or appetizer!


  • 200 grams (7 oz) frozen spinach
  • 2 ¾ cups (650 ml) unsweetened plant-based milk, divided
  • ½ cup (120 ml) vegetable stock
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Half an onion, diced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • ½ cup (75 grams) flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Pepper, to taste
  • 1 ½ cups (135 grams) bread crumbs
  • Oil, for frying

  1. Boil the spinach according to the package directions. Refresh under cold water and drain. Squeeze as much water out of them as you can. Set aside.
  2. Combine 400 ml (13 fl oz) of the plant milk with the stock in a small pot and heat it gently over low heat.
  3. Heat a large pan over medium heat and add the olive oil and onions. When they are soft, add the garlic. Once soft, sift the flour into the pan. Mix well. Fry, stirring from time to time, for a couple of minutes to remove the taste of raw flour. Once the mixture begins to turn light brown, add a ladle of the milk-stock mixture. Stir well until incorporated then add another ladleful. Continue this way until you have a smooth, creamy sauce.
  4. Add the spinach, salt and pepper. Transfer to a dish and allow to cool to room temperature. Cover with plastic wrap, pressing the wrap onto the top of the filling and put it in the fridge for at least a couple of hours or overnight.
  5. Put the remaining 250 ml of plant milk in one bowl and the breadcrumbs in another. Take about a teaspoon of the filling and use your hands to roll it into a small log shape. Dredge it in the breadcrumbs, then into the plant milk, then again into the breadcrumbs.
  6. Heat oil for frying in a small pan. Fry the croquettes in batches of 5 or 6 until golden brown on all sides. Remove to a paper towel-lined plate. Allow to cool slightly then serve.

Read more our recipe : 3-Ingredient Chocolate Crunch Doughnuts

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