Vegan Chickpea Omelette #breakfast #vegan

Vegan Chickpea Omelette #breakfast #vegan

They're fantastically simple to make and you can include any of your preferred fixings like mushrooms, peppers, spinach, or onions. Overlap in some veggie lover cheddar and you will have a mind blowing vegetarian chickpea omelett!

This chickpea omelet is the best innovation for a vegetarian breakfast since cut bread! It's veggie lover, sans gluten, sans soy, and of course without egg, yet tastes shockingly like egg omelets! On the off chance that you haven't cooked with chickpea flour yet, you need to try this recipe! It concocts like enchantment!

These veggie lover omelets are produced using chickpea flour otherwise known as garbanzo bean flour. In the event that you have never utilized chickpea flour, it's truly astounding stuff! It is high in protein and fiber and when blended with water and cooked, has an egg-like flavor and surface.

Also try our recipe Roasted Sweet Potatoes Stuffed with Quinoa and Spinach

Vegan Chickpea Omelette #breakfast #vegan

This chickpea omelet is the best development for a veggie lover breakfast since cut bread! It's veggie lover, without gluten, sans soy, and of course sans egg.


  • 1/4 cup chickpea flour
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp salt (black salt for a more egg like flavor)
  • 1/4 cup vegetables of choice
  • 1 tbsp oil for frying


  1. Mix chickpea flour, nutritional yeast, salt and water and stir until there are no lumps.
  2. Dice up whatever veggies you want to add to your omelette. (about ¼ cup of veggies per omelette).
  3. Add oil to a well-seasoned iron skillet or a non-stick frying pan and saute the veggies on medium-low for about 3-5 minutes until they become tender.
  4. Remove the veggies and add them to the batter and give the batter another stir.
  5. Turn up the heat to medium and pour the batter in the skillet like you would a large pancake and cook for about 5 minutes until the top of the omelette no longer looks wet. 
  6. Carefully loosen up the omelette with a spatula and flip the omelette to the other side and cook for 3-5 more minutes until it is no longer soft in the middle.  (Make sure there is no wet batter left in the center).
  7. Top with cheese and fold over so that the cheese is in the middle.

Read more our recipe : Authentic Pasta Carbonara

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