Mushroom Avocado Toast #vegan #breakfast

Mushroom Avocado Toast #vegan #breakfast

This is the thing that happens when you take two of my toast faves and combine them. Mushroom Toast + Avocado Toast = the present recipe for Mushroom Avocado Toast. This too simple and straightforward recipe is stuffed with flavor and is delectable as a fast lunch, informal breakfast or breakfast. I adore this toast combined with a matcha latte in the mornings.

Mushrooms are one of my preferred fixings to work with. They give so much exquisite flavor and generous surface. Furthermore, of course, avocados are something I generally have close by and love to work with. You can utilize any mushrooms you'd like. Shiitake is my own fave, however for extraordinary simplicity, I utilized pre-cut crimini mushrooms today. You can truly get fascinating with the mushrooms you use. Try enoki, clam or my other fave, maitake!

I included a trace of garlic - shallot or onion could also be added to the container. I use EVOO as the skillet base. In the event that you'd like, a teaspoon or two of veggie lover margarine can be added to include much more lavishness. Herbs like rosemary, oregano, parsley or sage are also alternatives for including more layers of flavor. For the corrosive. I utilized a straightforward juice vinegar today, since that is the thing that I had available, yet balsamic vinegar is my most loved for mushrooms. Remaining red wine is also extraordinary. For the bread, use something healthy, yet delicate. I think sourdough is ideal for this recipe. You need to add a touch of corrosive to the avocado as well, so lemon juice functions admirably.

Also try our vegan breakfast recipe Vegan Chickpea Omelette

Mushroom Avocado Toast #vegan #breakfast

This super easy and simple recipe is packed with flavor and is delicious as a quick lunch, brunch or breakfast. I love this toast paired with a matcha latte in the mornings.


  • 2 cups mushrooms, sliced, any variety
  • 2-3 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2-4 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
  • 1 Tbsp balsamic or apple cider vinegar
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 slices bread, toasted
  • 1 small avocado
  • 1/2 fresh lemon - for the juice


  1. Warm skillet over high heat. Add the oil. When the oil is hot, add the garlic. About a minutes later, pour in the mushrooms. Toss in the oil a bit with a spatula.
  2. Cover the pan with a lid and allow the mushrooms to cook for 1-3 minutes, just until tender and lightly browned.
  3. Reduce heat to low, remove lid, add salt and pepper and toss the mushrooms a bit. Turn heat off and add in the vinegar. Toss. Turn heat back up to high and allow to burn off any excess liquid. Mushrooms should be lightly browned and greatly reduced in size by now. Turn heat off and let them sit in the pan while you prep the toast.
  4. Toast bread and mash avocado into toast. Squeeze lemon over top.
  5. Top avocado toast with warm mushrooms. Slice and serve.

Read more our recipe : Avocado Strawberry Spinach Salad

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